Saturday, December 03, 2005

The planets line up; it's St Kilda in summer

The planets line up; it's St Kilda in summer

Scale model of our Solar System.
Photo: Nicole Emanuel

By Kathy Kizilos
December 3, 2005

THE sun will be coated in a golden satin and stand on the foreshore opposite the lighthouse near the marina.

The sun is being built to scale, to make it a billion times smaller than the actual sun. At 139 centimetres across, it is bigger than a beach ball, but not enormous.

The planets will be strung along the beach in accordance with the billion-to-one scale.

Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, will be 60 metres away; in space its mean orbital distance from the sun is 58 million kilometres. Mercury, the second-smallest planet after Pluto, will be a pipsqueak on the beach — a mere 0.5 centimetres across.

The first six planets — Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — will be an easy walk from the sun at the marina.

Saturn will be at the northern edge of the Catani Gardens — a distance of 1.4 kilometres. Uranus will be in Middle Park, Neptune in Port Melbourne while Pluto — for many years considered to be spinning on the outer limits of the solar system — will be isolated and alone in Garden City.

The smallest of the nine planets, Pluto will be the size of a pinhead, 0.24 centimetres across.

The St Kilda Solar System Project is the work of Christopher Lansell, a science graduate turned artist, and Ed Redman, who used to be a freelance designer and photographer in London.

Together they make up Wolf Rayet, a not-for-profit art company with an ecological bias. (Wolf-Rayets are a type of star, at least 25 times the mass of the sun, which are approaching the end of their stellar lives. They are rare and look like a spectacular, violent explosion. Naming the company after the star was Mr Lansell's idea. He is a space enthusiast and former astronomy student who, until last year, was an anatomy lecturer at Monash University.)

For Mr Lansell and Mr Redman, the inspiration behind the solar system project was their concern for the third planet from the sun — Earth.

The painted model they have made painstakingly depicts the continents and the seas in miniature. It is only 1.28 centimetres across and will be a mere speck on the foreshore, just as the Earth is a small body in the vastness of space.

Earth will also be the only planet shown with its moon. Mr Redman points out that this is as far as humanity has travelled in space. As the model makes clear, this is a very short distance in the scheme of things. Mr Redman says Mr Lansell's enthusiasm has given him an interest in the planets and astronomy generally, but working on the project has mostly deepened his appreciation for the vulnerability and fragility of our planet.

"It's all about the here and now, this is humanity's one shot," he says.

The planets, which will be on metal stands to allow children to look up at them, will be on display between 2pm and 8pm on two consecutive weekends — December 10 and 11 and December 17 and 18.

During the display, astronomers and informed friends of the artists will be on hand to answer questions. And each planet will have its own information board.

The artists would like the model to be mounted permanently and hope to set up a model in Sydney. They also intend to leave instructions on their website ( on how to build the model, so that other people can replicate the idea.

Replicator art, governed by copyleft — the philosophical and technical opposite to copyright — is another Wolf Rayet inspiration. The pair want their art to be available to others to reproduce it. The first example of replicator art on their website is the ingenious marshmallow TV, an invention of Mr Lansell's. Mr Redman describes it as the "lava lamp of the new millennium".

The device, which can be made from toilet paper tubes and tracing paper, turns a TV screen into an ever-changing display of shifting colours. Turn off the sound and you can ponder Earth's place in the universe — which is perhaps what the artists intended.


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